National Farmworker Jobs Program | South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation
Providing assistance to those who have worked on a farm or ranch within the past two years. If eligible, depending upon availability of funds, services may include: on the job training assistance, job search/placement assistance, financial support for education training and job placement, and supportive services such as, but not limited to: rental assistance and transportation costs, daycare expenses, tools, uniforms, and food.
Data provided by
211 South Dakota
Physical Address
730 E. Watertown Street, Rapid City, SD 57701
7:30am - 4:00pm (MT), Monday - Friday
Application process
Call for an appointment
Individuals and families who have done any farm or ranch work in the last 2 years
Agency info
South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation
Promotes economic opportunity and financial security for individuals and businesses.