Physical Therapy | Avera St. Mary's
Physical therapy treats injuries and diseases using therapeutic exercise and other hands-on techniques that focus on alleviating pain and improving posture, strength, endurance, balance, coordination and joint mobility. Occupational therapy treats issues that arise from a disruption in a person's occupations. Occupation is everything that people do to occupy themselves, including taking care of personal needs, activities that allow one to enjoy life, achieving developmental milestones or work. Speech-language therapy addresses issues with communication, memory, problem solving, swallowing, sound production, stuttering and voice for all ages.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
1211 E. Wells Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501
7:30am - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday with extended hours available upon request.
Application process
Call or walk-in to schedule appointment.
Services provided to all ages
Agency info
Avera St. Mary's
Community of physicians and healthcare teams across five states.