Support Groups | Empire Mental Health Support
Support groups for people impacted by mental illness diagnoses led by trained facilitators of people with lived experiences. Group members help each other by sharing their lived experiences and learned wisdom. There is also a support group for family members for people with a mental illness.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
737 W. 10th Street, Suite 103, Sioux Falls, SD 57104
6:30pm - 8:00pm (CT), Sundays (Family Members of a loved one with mental illness) 2:00pm - 3:30pm (CT), Fridays (Adults living with a mental illness) Zoom is available for the Friday and Sunday sessions. The office is not staffed daily. Inquirers should call 605-359-0995
Application process
Call or email for information and the Zoom link.
Open to individuals 18 years of age and older
Agency info
Empire Mental Health Support
Provides support and education programs for people impacted by mental illness diagnoses.