Housing Programs | GROW South Dakota
Home Loans: - Provide 1st Mortgage loans to help eligible persons purchase a home. Loans are available for primary home purchases to eligible applicants meeting our underwriting criteria. These loans may be done in conjunction with a local lender. - Provide down payment and closing cost assistance. Funding can assist eligible homeowners with down payment and/or closing costs on the purchase of their primary residence. Other Housing Activities: - Governor's House Marketing Representative: The Governors House program provides reasonably sized, affordable homes to income-qualified individuals and families. This home is designed to provide ownership opportunities where income levels may have prevented previous homeownership. The simplified home design, in conjunction with the Governor's Inmate Training Program, keeps the cost of these homes affordable. - Provide counseling, outreach, budgeting and loan packaging to individuals who wish to purchase a home. - Provide loans to non-profit or private businesses for the development of housing and infrastructure.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
104 Ash Street E., Sisseton, SD 57262
8:00am - 4:30pm (CT), Monday - Friday (summer hours may vary)
Application process
Online application or call for information.
All programs have varying income guidelines, service areas and eligibility restrictions. Availability and sources of funds may vary.
Agency info
GROW South Dakota
A statewide non-profit organization that provides programs and loan products to advance housing, community, and economic development.