Minnehaha County Express Driver's License Location | South Dakota Department of Public Safety - Driver Licensing
Express Driver's License Location: The express driver's license location is designed for those who need any driver's license service that does not require testing, such as renewing a driver's license, transferring an out-of-state license to a South Dakota license, students who have completed driver's education in the last year, and people who need a new ID card or renew a current ID card.
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
6010 S Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
7:30am - 5:00pm (CT), Wednesday - Friday (Applications accepted until 4:00pm.) This location can handle any driver license service that doesn't require testing - such as driver license renewals (if not expired), transferring to South Dakota from another state, students who have completed drivers education within the last year, and new or renewal of ID cards.
Application process
Walk-in or by appointment.
Open to anyone needing a service that does not require testing.
Agency info
South Dakota Department of Public Safety - Driver Licensing
Provides services without regard to race, color, sex, national origin, age, disability, low-income, or limited English proficiency (LEP) according to the provision contained in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination authorities.