Supportive Services for Veterans Families | Cornerstone Rescue Mission
The SSVF program provides homelessness prevention and rapid re-housing services to help Veteran families keep, or rapidly transition to permanent housing. For veterans and their families that meet all eligibility criteria and are enrolled with the program, the program can provide: Outreach to Veterans Case management - Financial assistance (for securing/preserving housing) Utility assistance for water, lights, and heating for current, past due, disconnection notices, previous address, and deposits Rental assistance Security deposits - Other financial assistance Child care costs Moving costs Transportation expense Help applying for Department of Veterans Affairs assistance and other benefits Help connecting Veterans with other community resources and services
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211 South Dakota
Physical Address
No Physical Address, Pierre, SD 57501
8:00am - 5:00pm (MT), Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (CT), Monday - Friday
Application process
Intake interview required.
Veterans (with discharge status other than dishonorable), with income less than 50% of the area average income for the county they live in; currently residing in permanent housing, at imminent risk of losing housing and becoming literally homeless but for SSVF assistance; or currently homeless, scheduled to become a resident of permanent housing withing 90 days pending the location of house; or has exited permanent housing within the previous 90 days in order to seek housing that better fits their needs
Agency info
Cornerstone Rescue Mission
Provides food, shelter, and clothing for the homeless and needy in the Black Hills region.